

Lo que esconden las fotos de modelos fitness en Instagram

Una de las modelos fitness con más seguidores en Instagram ha querido desmentir la realidad de esas fotos que la gente tanto envidia.

Detrás de esos cuerpos que pretenden cumplir el exigente canon que se impone a las mujeres, hay anorexia, bulimia, o simplemente 3 minutos de edición: los conocidos como retoques de Photoshop. La presión conlleva a trastornos alimenticios y enfermedades como la depresión o la ansiedad. Así lo ha contado una de las modelos con más apoyo en las redes sociales, Anna Rhodas.

So I had someone recently say to me "I want to get as lean as you were in your PT photo shoot". And to be honest, I didn't feel entirely comfortable with that. It's inspired a #throwbackThursday because it actually it made me feel kind of guilty. These images are with professional lighting, a lot of fake tan, tonnes of makeup, good posing and a physique that looked that way from extreme dieting. ? It's not probably something that a lot of people would worry about in the industry, as the more shreds the better, right? It's advertising material after all? Selling a dream? ? But these photos don't represent what I ACTUALLY looked like in real life being that low body fat - which was kind of emaciated and exhausted looking. I weighed 98lbs and freaked out when I went over 100lb - I'm now 128 for a bit of reference. I look back at me when I was like that and I barely recognise myself. I had a coach telling me "my legs weren't lean enough" and I became obsessed with the fact I had big legs. It was essentially an eating disorder under the guise of "fitness" and I'm not afraid to admit that. ? Funnily enough I am actually organising getting a new photoshoot done to get myself some PT images looking in shape, but a more obtainable and healthy look. When I enquired with a well known photographer in the industry, he said I should reconsider getting "shredded" and he didn't want me to look back on the images thinking I looked "not lean enough" or "fat". My response: erm you can do one????????Arseholes like these are definitely a problem within the industry and there is a lot of pressure to look a certain way - and definitely a reason that you might slip into eating disorder territory without even realising. ? ? Yes I know how to get bikini "shreds". But actually I want to inspire others to feel good - mentally and physically. THIS is the dream I want to sell. ? So next time your looking at all your fave fitspos images, please remember that 1. They probably look like that for a very short space of time. 2. That look is often not particularly obtainable if you aren't a fitness fanatic - and even then it's pretty tough. 3. Tannnnnn ????????

Una publicación compartida de Anna Rhodes???????? (@annarhodesfitness) el

"Estas imágenes son con iluminación profesional, mucho bronceado falso, toneladas de maquillaje, buenas poses y un físico que se veía así desde una dieta extrema", desvela Rhodas en un mensaje que ha publicado en su cuenta de Instagram junto con una fotografía en la que se muestra a ella misma en una instantánea sin ningún tipo de retoque.

"Estas fotos no representan lo que era en la vida real, la baja grasa corporal, que tenía una apariencia demacrada y agotada. Pesaba 44 kilos y me volvía loca si superaba los 45. Ahora, peso 58", ha comentado Rhodas, que ha admitido sufrir en aquella época "un trastorno alimenticio".

"Quiero ser tan delgado como tú"

Anna cambió de versión cuando recibió un mensaje de uno de sus seguidores que le hizo reflexionar sobre lo que estaba promocionando: "quiero ser tan delgado como en tu sesión de fotos". El comentario de este seguidor detonó que Anna se sintiera culpable e incómoda sobre lo que inculcaba. 

Por ello, ahora, que está organizando una sesión, quiere obtener unas fotos con un aspecto más saludable. "Quiero inspirar a otros a sentirse bien, mental y físicamente. Este es el sueño que quiero vender", ha declarado.

Por ello, cada vez que veas una foto de una modelo "delgada y guapa", reflexiona sobre el sufrimiento y la poca salud que hay detrás. Y, sobre todo, que quizás estás sintiendo envidia por alguien que, seguramente, sea irreal.

So 5 weeks into my cut and how's it going? ? My body stats at start: 58.3kg, waist 64cm, bum 97cm ? Body stats now: 58.5kg waist 64cm, bum 96cm ? Now I COULD look at this and think "I've failed, I'm so rubbish at dieting these days, my body won't respond, why is it I have to try so much harder then everyone else, I should just quit now, how I can even inspire others when I can't even do it myself". And if I am honest, these thoughts have crossed my mind at several points in the last few weeks. But that doesn't mean I have attached any weight onto them really. Just because I've thought these negative thoughts, doesn't make them true. I know it's a slow and steady wins the race process and I have faith I will get where I want to be. I haven't been perfect the last month, but that isn't what this cut is about. It's about doing it in a healthy and sustainable way and not missing out on my life. ? That being said where you often can see changes is when someone is moving about. Have you ever heard friends or colleagues give you compliments that you look like you've lost weight, and your like "nah, I'm the same measurements and scale weight so you're wrong." I know I've been doing that a bit this month ???????????! But there IS a very real thing where your body could be re-compositioning. You may be gaining a bit of muscle, loosing a bit of fat, but it's not all that evident on the scale and measurements. When you stand with your arms down, most of the time you can't see all that much muscle. Then you move it about and they contract, and you can see them getting better. So here's two shots of me moving about, where I think you can see I'm starting to get *slightly* leaner in my stomach and upper bod. It's not a drastic 5 week transformation that'll get me loadsa likes. BUT this is the point where my body is beginning to respond, and so the main course of action is to KEEP GOING. Don't do anything drastic, don't over analyse and JUST CARRY ON! Trrrrustttt me this is where the magic happens. Excited to see where I get to in the next 5 weeks ????

Una publicación compartida de Anna Rhodes???????? (@annarhodesfitness) el

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