Antiguamente los bebés llegaban al mundo en casa, con una matrona, unos pocos familiares y unos dolores insoportables. Pero pronto llegaron las facilidades que proporcionaba nacer en un hospital. No obstante, está claro que los hospitales no son los únicos lugares donde las mujeres dan a luz. O si no que se lo digan a Tia Freeman, de 22 años, cuyo hijo quiso nacer en Estambul en un viaje de Freeman de Estados Unidos a Alemania.
Lo de Freeman fue más por emergencia que por capricho. Una noticia que se ha hecho viral porque ella misma lo ha querido hacer público en Twitter. Y es que su historia es para que todo el mundo la conozca. El parto tuvo lugar en una habitación de hotel. Bueno, para ser exactos, en la bañera de dicha habitación.
Su vivencia no ha sido especial solo por el parto, sino que fue surrealista desde el principio. La joven no supo que estaba embarazada hasta el tercer trimestre del embarazo, a pocos días de dar a luz. La joven decidió no cancelar un viaje que tenía programado a Alemania en marzo, y en el que se hacía escala una noche en Turquía.

Pero, el parto se adelantó dos semanas y el plan se tambaleó. "Me enteré a mediados de enero y ya había comprado los billetes para los vuelos y pensé... bueno, si el bebé nace en la fecha prevista no debería de haber problemas", ha explicado la joven al diario 'Newsweek'.
Tia Freeman es una informática de las Fuerzas Aéreas estadounidense, y hemos podido comprobar que la informática efectivamente es lo suyo. Especialmente el mundo de Internet. En la red descubrió que las contracciones en el avión no eran síntoma de indigestión, sino de embarazo. Y, efectivamente, el bebé estaba en camino. Ya en el hotel y gracias a un tutorial de Youtube Freeman supo cómo tratar el asunto.
La joven no sabía el número de emergencias, casi nadie hablaba inglés y no sabía si su seguro médico le cubriría. La solución estaba en Youtube. Así que buscó en YouTube cómo hacerlo: llenó la bañera de agua tibia, cogió dos toallas (una para morderla y otra para cubrir al bebé), se metió y, cuando las contracciones empezaron a tener la frecuencia de un minuto, empezó a empujar. Tuvo suerte, según su relato, "en cinco o seis", su pequeño nació. Seguro que muchas mujeres firmaban por tener un parto así.
Asimismo, bromeando sobre si lo que le colgaba era un pene o el cordón umbilical, efectivamente, ella misma se encargó de cortar el cordón umbilical con la ayuda de Internet.
Los gifs y Twitter la ayudaron a explicarse
La mamá protagonista ha derrochado humor y un gusto especial por los gifs en un hilo donde explica cómo su bebé llegó al mundo y como Internet, en este caso Youtube, fue el mejor médico que podía llegar a tener.
I still really don't understand what's so shocking about my delivery story. Lol maybe it'll set in one day.
— Tia Freeman (@TheWittleDemon) 24 de abril de 2018
I didn't know I was pregnant for awhile (already in my 3rd trimester) and before you ask the birth control I was on made it so I didn't have a cycle every month. So not having a period wasn't an indicator for me. On top of that I didnt really gain any weight. Me when I found:
— Tia Freeman (@TheWittleDemon) 24 de abril de 2018
So then I'm in denial for another month after that like there's no way a Bitch is preggo. At this point I'm working in VA and away from everyone so I just decided not to tell anyone. My dumbass was like maybe it'll just go away...
— Tia Freeman (@TheWittleDemon) 24 de abril de 2018
So I had already purchased tickets for a vacay in Germany and ya girl was not about to waste international flight money. So I was like if the boy comes on time I should be all good in the hood. So I came home for two seconds before hopping on the my flight to Germany.
— Tia Freeman (@TheWittleDemon) 24 de abril de 2018
So everything is going well no biggie but dawg this is a 14hr flight & there was a complimentary meal but everything had meat in it & you know I'm a vegetarian so I was like I can't eat this but 14 hrs was too long to wait so I decided to eat the salmon hoping I wouldn't get sick
— Tia Freeman (@TheWittleDemon) 24 de abril de 2018
No I don't know if it was he salmon, the flight, or it was just my time but out of no where I start cramping up. I've still got like an hour left before we land. I just knew I had food poisoning. Y'all I was HURT
— Tia Freeman (@TheWittleDemon) 24 de abril de 2018
I'm like oooooh shit where are these cramps coming from? You know what I'll just go to sleep. Sleep cures everything right
— Tia Freeman (@TheWittleDemon) 24 de abril de 2018
So anyway I make it until we land but when I wake up the cramps have gotten worse and I'm like okay I just want to make it to my hotel. Its my layover and I'm only here (Istanbul, Turkey) for 17hrs. But getting through customs took FOREVVVVVVVERRRRR
— Tia Freeman (@TheWittleDemon) 24 de abril de 2018
I'm literally gripping the railing trying to make it through the lines. At this point I feel like I'm about to pass out. I'm sweating. I feel like I have to vomit. I'm going through it. Then I'm like wait a minute bitch are you in labor?!!!
— Tia Freeman (@TheWittleDemon) 24 de abril de 2018
So my ass decides to google it. The internet was like well my good sis the only thing different between labor and Braxton Hicks is your water breaking. This was completely not helpful so now I gotta wait until then to knownif this is legit or not.
— Tia Freeman (@TheWittleDemon) 24 de abril de 2018
Either way it goes I'm not giving birth in this airport so I start gassing myself up bc I am NOT having a baby in this airport. I start talking to myself like Bitch what you're not gonna do is give birth on the airport floor. So you need to get it together & make it to your hotel
— Tia Freeman (@TheWittleDemon) 24 de abril de 2018
I make it to my hotel & now I'm sure I'm in labor. There is no way in the world I'm not in labor because I can barely standup at this point. So I'm in a foreign country, where no one speaks english, I don't know this country's emergency number, & I have no clue what to do.
— Tia Freeman (@TheWittleDemon) 24 de abril de 2018
So in true millennial form I decided to @Youtube it ????????. If no one else had my back the internet would! So here my ass is in my hotel room all by my lonesome learning how to deliver my own baby
— Tia Freeman (@TheWittleDemon) 24 de abril de 2018
So yo it's GAME TIME. I don't have time to be nervous. It's time to get shit done. I spring into action. Filling up the tub with warm water #WaterBirth, grabbing a towel to bite down on, grabbing another towel to wrap him/her up with whenever it pops out
— Tia Freeman (@TheWittleDemon) 24 de abril de 2018
So anyway. I strip down and climb in the tub. The internet said there were a couple positions that people find the most comfortable. I picked the one that worked for me and I was like okay BOOM let's birthed this baby.
— Tia Freeman (@TheWittleDemon) 24 de abril de 2018
So the internet said I shouldn't start pushing until my contractions where 2mins apart. Bc you don't want to exhaust yourself too early and then not have any energy when the kids ready to come, you know? And I'm like okay bitch you've got a timer on your phone. You can do this!
— Tia Freeman (@TheWittleDemon) 24 de abril de 2018
My contractions were already at a minute a part lol I was late as hell. I BARELY made it to my room. ???????????? so I throw the towel in my mouth and start pushing. And I have NEVVVVEEERRRR felt any pain like this in my life. I felt like I was being split open. WHERE WAS MY EPIDURAL?!
— Tia Freeman (@TheWittleDemon) 24 de abril de 2018
Luckily it happened pretty quickly. I only had to push about 5-6x before a baby popped out. Lol now let me tell you babies are buoyant. That little joker said bloop and floated right on up to the top of the water ????????
— Tia Freeman (@TheWittleDemon) 24 de abril de 2018
At this point I have no clue what the sex of the baby is so after catching my breath I lift it up like "What is it?"
— Tia Freeman (@TheWittleDemon) 24 de abril de 2018
Anyways ITS A BOYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!! And the very first thing I do is pull up his natal chart ???????????? born March 7, 2018 in Istanbul Turkey ????????
— Tia Freeman (@TheWittleDemon) 24 de abril de 2018
Can I just say that walking around with the umbilical cord hanging out of me totally gave me the impression of what it would be like to have a penis. ????????????
— Tia Freeman (@TheWittleDemon) 24 de abril de 2018
So finally it feels like I'm having another contraction and I assume this is the placenta ready to drop it like it's hot. So I shuffle to the bathroom and sit down on the toilet because idk where else to go ????????????
— Tia Freeman (@TheWittleDemon) 24 de abril de 2018